Mountbatten House Chatham
13 Oct 2021
We're progressing various projects related to the redevelopment of this local landmark building into 164 apartments, following the successful planning submission earlier this year. This includes a new 'wrap' for the concrete frame of the former bus station.
25 Mar 2020
Like the large majority of the country, LBY has moved to home-working. However, with the aid of technology work carries on. So please get in touch via 'phone or email if we can help you on your project.LBY works with DEFRA
1 Feb 2020
Due to wider politics DEFRA (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs needs to expand its resorces. LBY working with a major consultant is involved with a number of office fit-outs across England. The work involves space-planning, and re-modelling of shared office facilites.